Baie Monseigneur

Toliara, Madagascar


Evatra, 10km north of the village, is a top spot for easterly wind offering clean estuary waves. From here seven rusting hulks scar an otherwise a beautiful coastline as Shipwreck Bay extends to the town of 20,000 inhabitants. The waves aren’t so big as the swell has to wrap around a headland. There’s a clean right east of town in Baie Monseigneur but the wind’s mainly onshore from May to October, rarer S-SE days are better. South of town Baie Signes is a massive sandy bay with a great vibe. Just a couple of kilometres west of Fort Dauphin, there’s flat water in Vinanibe Lagoon or waves on the ocean side of a strip of white sand. Vinanibe Bay is one of the area’s best wave spots as it gets loads of winter swell and cross to cross-offshore NE wind. Endless down-the-line rides are possible, but the sick beach-break demands skill. Head 10km further west for tamer conditions in the Baie des Galions, complete with white sand and often in the company of dolphins. Lavanono is over 300km west of Fort Dauphin, so this exceptional point-break needs earning with an 8-9 hour drive. Once a secret spot for a few windsurfers from La Réunion, The Windsurf Trilogy broke it as a legend of the Madagascan south. Gigi, one of the original pioneers, now runs an eco ranch here – handy, as otherwise the town would have neither running water nor electricity. Lavanono is one of the most isolated surf-spots on the planet and an adventure in itself. The left breaks clean and big and the trades blow from July to November, generally cross-off and 15-30 knots strong. The place belongs to surfers until 10am when the wind freshens. Around 3pm it dies off and the surfers head back in for a second session. You can also sail the Lavanono Beachbreak in the bay beyond the point. The waves here aren’t as big but the wind’s a little more cross-shore. The area around Tuléar is the land of the Vezo nomadic fisherman. Although the reefs of Anakao and Ifaty have recently been discovered by surfers it’s well worth engaging one of three tour operators who arrange boats and lodging there. Anakao is an hour’s boat ride south of Tuléar, or 8 hours overland by jeep. A massive turquoise Lagoon opens out before the town while clean, hollow left-handers break on the reefs outside at Flame Bowls and Jelly Babies. With names like that, there are no prizes for guessing those reefs are sharp! The wind, mostly cross-offshore SE from the left, kicks in around midday and can build up to 30 knots. Ifaty to the north of Tuléar is most easily reached by boat. The wind at this hollow left is always cross-off, sometimes even offshore.
Kite and Windsurfing Guide
Östlich der Stadt läuft in der Baie Monseigneur eine saubere Rechtswelle. Von Mai bis Oktober kommt der Wind meist onshore, besser sind die seltenen…
There's a clean right east of town in Baie Monseigneur but the wind's mainly onshore from May to October, rarer S-SE days are better.