Den Helder

Noord Holland


The Netherlands’ answer to the USA's Columbia River Gorge! As the tides fill and empty the Wadden Sea, vast amounts of water are forced through the narrows between Texel and the mainland. The ebb current opposes a westerly wind so you can constantly broad reach without losing ground. What’s more, this combination creates particularly steep ramps for big jumps. The finest of speedstrips sits out towards the little island of 'Razende Bol’ – actually more of an overgrown sandbar. It fully blocks the waves but allows the wind to pass unhindered. But be careful: don’t go out alone, even in moderate winds – the current's so strong that you won’t make it back alone after kit failure or injury. Plus there's busy shipping traffic, and at high water the breakwaters are just below the surface – plenty to look out for!
Kite and Windsurfing Guide
Hollands Antwort auf den River Gorge! Zweimal am Tag, wenn die Gezeiten das Wattenmeer füllen und leeren, passieren unglaubliche Wassermassen die…
The Netherlands' answer to the USAs Columbia River Gorge! As the tides fill and empty the Wadden Sea, vast amounts of water are forced through the narrows&hell…