K4, Sylt

Nordfriesische Inseln


People used to ride in front of the Sansibar, but nowadays they leave it to the jet-set revellers – at most it's a good place to end downwinders. K4 has since become the island's prime wave spot in north or southerly winds. For a start you can park (for free!) nearby, and there's plenty of space on the beach. Furthermore, it's rarely busy on the water and there are no groynes – just keep an eye out for the occasional gill-net. Even though the longshore current can be brutal, it seems to spare K4 a bit; you can feasibly sail anywhere along the west coast, but the shape of these sandbars produces a relatively clean break inside deeper waters beyond. The vibe's good too: the sea shimmers green over a sandy seabed and the expansive dune landscape will make your day, suspending any prejudice against Sylt for a couple of hours.
Kite and Windsurfing Guide
Früher wurde zuweilen noch direkt vor der Sansibar gesurft, heute überlässt man den Almauftrieb den munteren Jetsettern, allenfalls beendet man…
People used to ride in front of the Sansibar, but nowadays they leave it to the jet-set revellers – at most its a good place to end downwinders.